Tess Smith Roberts - Key chain - Brown Dog
¥880 税込
なら 手数料無料で 月々¥290から
Tess Smith-Robertsの個展で発売されたキーチェーンを少量オンラインストアでも販売いたします。
We have only few keychain Tess made for her first solo show in Tokyo. Please grab one before it runs out!
Key Chainにはビニールの保護シールが貼ってあるので剥がしてご使用ください。
Key Chain is covered with protection so please peal off when you use.
Tess Smith-Roberts
Tess Smith-Roberts is an Illustrator based in London. She approaches her work with humor, bold shapes, and a playful use of color. Classic still life paintings, bad dance moves, and food (especially fruit!), are the main inspirations for her work.
¥880 税込