2022/03/04 00:33
私達と長年一緒に歩んできたウクライナのアーティスト ヴァシャ・コロトゥシャが戦争に巻き込まれてしまいました。ヴァシャ、そして彼の友人や家族の事を思うと心が痛みます。
All our artists are family wherever they live.
We stand up and hug if they are sad or need help.
We are a big creative family.
We do not just encourage their creative work but we want to support their life.
Our ultimate goal has been and always been about having a cup of tea with a smile on our faces.
We want our artists to be healthy and happy.
This simple goal is about to be disrupted.
This time, it has been hard for our dear artist Vasya Kolotusha who is facing the situation of the war. We are in deep sadness, imagining what him, his family and friends have to go through this time.
We have discussed closely with Vasya and want to stand up and act for his own security and the security of the citizens of Ukraine. Vasya has created a series of flower art for us and given us an opportunity to donate all proceeds.
We have discussed with the embassy of Ukraine in Japan over the phone and asked what we can do to support the situation. They kindly offered us the opportunity to donate for humanitarian assistance.
100% of the sales profit will go to support Vasya and the humanitarian assistance activity.
We are against military activity so the money would not be used for the military. All the money will be used for humanitarian assistance only.
We sincerely hope you can also join us through this activity for the future of Ukraine.
All donation activity will be reported through our Instagram, website as well as on our online store.
Thank you for your support.
All staff members of The Bee's Knees Inc
The Bee's Knees スタッフ一同

I want to thank everyone who helps and donates to Ukraine! Every bit of help is crucial not only for millions of Ukrainians right now, but for all the free and democratic world of tomorrow, and we stay strong for our and your freedom.
V. Kolotusha

ポスター(poster) 5種
サイズ(size) A4
210mm x 297mm
Open edition
在日ウクライナ大使館(Ukrain Embassy in Japan)
Vasya Kolotusha
Vasya Kolotushaについて
Vasya Kolotusha(バシャコルトシャ)はウクライナ出身、グラフィックアーティストでイラストレーターです。キエフのKNUCAで建築を習った後、作家、イラストレーターとして活動しており、リアリスティックでカラフルな手書きの作品に定評があります。ファッショナブルで、ネオン管を使ったカラフルなパターンとミックスしたスタイルはユニークでオリジナリティーに溢れています。
Vasya Kolotusha is Ukraine born graphic artist and illustrator. Having studied Architecture at the KNUCA in Kiev, he graduated in 2013 and decided to make his way in the world as an artist and illustrator, as it was his passion since childhood. He is known for his realistic and colorful style. His work combines bright patterns, innovative neon-themed pieces as well as fashion driven illustrations.